DEH, MSJ Build Teams for Self Assessment

DEH, MSJ Build Teams for Self Assessment

Publish Date: 
Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Self Assessment Committees (SAC) of the Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) Department and Department of English and Humanities (DEH) of the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) conducted a training workshop on “Self Assessment Committee Activity and Team Building” for all faculty members  on 20 May  and 25 May, respectively. The MSJ-SAC workshop was conducted by the Head of SAC, Dr. Sumon Rahman along with members Dr. Barbaq Quarmal, and Ms. Naima Alam. Mr. Wazir Ahmed, Additional Director of IQAC delivered the introductory speech.  DEH-SAC workshop was conducted by the Head of SAC Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman along with the members Dr. Mahmud Hasan Khan and Ms. Nadia Rahman. The workshop covered the Introduction of Quality Assurance in Higher Education and its applications in the department; Quality criteria standards set by University Grants Commission (UGC); introduction of SAC faculty members; process of UGC Program Accreditation-Self Assessment Report; External Peer Review and Improvement Plan. The workshop aims to make the faculty of the program aware of the self-assessment process so that they can help the SAC in program level activities.

DEH, MSJ Build Teams for Self Assessment