IQAC Conducts Curriculum Workshop for GED, CLS

IQAC Conducts Curriculum Workshop for GED, CLS

Publish Date: 
Thursday, July 27, 2017

IQAC conducted a workshop on Curriculum Design for Department of General Education (GED) and Center for Language Studies (CLS) on 27 July 2017, 10.30 am to 3.00 pm at the Campus B Seminar Room. The workshop covered the following: Government Regulations Affecting the Curriculum, UGC Curriculum Design Process and Format, UGC Prescribed Format on Curriculum Design, Program Learning Outcomes, Generic Skills, Professional Skills, Teaching and Learning Strategy, Learning Assessment Strategy, Program Mapping and Planning for Curriculum Review/Design. The workshop was attended by the full time and part time faculty members of GED and CLS. The workshop resource persons were IQAC Director Dr. Jude William Genilo, IQAC Additional Director Wazir AF Ahmad, and GED Lecturer Rigan Chakma.

Participants of Curriculum Design Workshop with IQAC Director Dr. Jude William Genilo.