ULAB Exam Manual Committee Formed
ULAB Exam Manual Committee Formed
The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) introduces to you the members of the Exam Manual Working Committee. The Working Committee of Exam Manual is in-charge of formulating the ULAB Exam Manual.
1. Mr. Shawkat Kamal
Associate Professor
ULAB School of Business
2. Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman
Associate Professor
Department of English and Humanities
3. Ms. Afsana Anjum
Senior Lecturer
Department of General Education
4. Mr. Shahed Khan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
5. Mr. Habibur Rahman
Joint Registrar
6. Mr. Wazir AF Ahmad
Additional Director
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell
7. Professor Jude William Genilo
Institutional Quality Assurance Cell