Tips in Preparing for ISO Audit
Publish Date:
Sunday, August 25, 2019
To be fully prepared for the ISO Audit, there are certain expectation from departments/units before, during and after the ISO Audit.
Before the ISO Audit
Kindly ensure that the department/unit has:
- appropriate policies (with flowcharts if necessary) for all its major operations;
- a master list of documents;
- documents/forms with appropriate number and version;
- signed approval of all its documents/forms;
- a compilation of completed documents/forms from May to August 2019;
- an assigned person or persons who is/are in-charge of document/form control; and
- conducted a management review ensuring that the documents/forms are in order.
During the ISO Audit
Kindly ensure that the department/unit:
- can easily retrieve the documents/forms being sought by the auditor. If it takes more than five minutes to retrieve a document, it means that the filing system of the department is not being done properly; and
- files its documents/forms by alphabetical order or has some logic in the filing of documents/forms.
After the ISO Audit
Kindly ensure that the department/unit:
- continue with the practice of record keeping. Remember that the ISO will conduct a follow up audit after one year.
- will reflect form/document modifications/revisions in the master list (if any).