IQAC Director Presents Paper in Singapore Conference
The 14th Higher Education International Conference on Online Teaching and Sustainable Quality Assurance: Challenges and Perspectives was held on 29 to 30 November 2022.
IQAC Director Professor Dr. Jude William R Genilo presented paper on “Bangladeshi Students’ Feedback on Career Preparation Initiatives of Media Studies and Journalism Schools.” The paper presents student feedback regarding career preparation initiatives undertaken by media and journalism teachers and schools in Bangladesh. Various stakeholders agree that graduate employability is one of the key objectives of higher education institutions. To know whether this objective is being met, it is necessary to ask student feedback regarding the five components of career preparation using the Career Development Center (CDC) model: self-awareness, educational-occupational information, taking action and life management. Using a Likert Scale (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), the survey had 245 media studies and journalism students from all over Bangladesh as respondents. The findings indicated moderate results in all components – self-awareness (3.19 mean rating), educational-occupational information (3.35 mean rating), taking action (3.26 mean rating) and life management (3.45 mean rating). Overall, the mean rating was at 3.31 – students are moderately satisfied with the said career preparation initiatives.