BAC conducted Meeting on “BNQF Implementation in Higher Educational Institutions”
Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) organized an online meeting on 4 June 2023 at 3.00PM entitled “BNQF Implementation in Higher Educational Institutions' Progress Review/Discussion”. This time, BAC invited 27 private and public universities for the meeting. Professor Dr. Sanjay Kumar Adhikari, Full-time member of BAC, presided over the meeting. In the opening session, Professor Adhikari mentioned that “BNQF is the instrument to get accreditation. Without BNQF the application process is not possible for accreditation”. He told additionally that so today we will be confined to this. Also let me know and share the problems of implementation of BNQF, OBE in your institutions and the expectations to BAC. The directors of private and public universities shared the challenges like legal frame work of IQAC in the university law, less corporation from Board of Trustee, sometime from the higher authority, lake of knowledge on BNQF, OBE formation, training etc. The meeting was over by the thanks giving from Professor Adhikari.