CETL Organized a Seminar on Futures Studies

CETL Organized a Seminar on Futures Studies

Publish Date: 
Friday, March 1, 2024

Faculties and Students at the Futures Studies Seminar


The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) organized an insightful seminar titled “Futures Studies Unveiled: Navigating Day After Tomorrow’s Bangladesh and ULAB” on 29 January 2024. The session brought together teachers and students to delve into the evolving landscape of how a future study can be.

Shakil Ahmed is a futurist, educator, and storyteller at Ridiculous Futures. He discussed the concept of Futures Studies, which helps understand this field’s origins and interdisciplinary nature. He took a deep dive into the question that this field grapples with and how these questions are relevant when considering the futures of Bangladesh and ULAB. He also talked about the default future, preferred futures, undesirable futures, and our influence and agency over the future.

Mr. Ahmed orchestrated the entire seminar by incorporating engaging activities and fostering an environment conducive to active learning. He articulated his vision regarding emerging disciplines of the future. The atmosphere was dynamic, avoiding monotony.

The distinctive feature of CETL ULAB lies in its proactive approach toward the future, reflecting a steadfast commitment to innovative policies and transformative teaching practices. This inclusive stance underscores ULAB’s dedication to being at the forefront of educational evolution.