BAC offers Research Grants for 2025-26

BAC offers Research Grants for 2025-26

Publish Date: 
Saturday, March 1, 2025

BAC hopes to increase the number of researches on quality assurance in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) invited research proposals from teachers and researchers working in higher education and research institutions in Bangladesh. The BAC grant has slated for each research proposal a maximum amount of BDT 3,00,000.  The subject matter, area, purpose and aim of the research proposal must be aligned with BAC’s Research Policy 2022. The proposals must follow a prescribed format, which includes the Project Information, Logical Interpretation, Budget, Completion Plan and Short CV of the researcher/s and must be signed by the head of the institute or by the director (research). Two research proposals were submitted from the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) for this round.