Top Expert Featured in Second IN4OBE Webinar
The International Network for Outcome-Based Education (IN4OBE) Bangladesh Chapter held a webinar on 8 January 2022 entitled: Quality and Accreditation or OBE, Which One? Dr. Wajid Hussain, Chief Operations Officer, IN4OBE US Chapter, was the resource person. The main argument of his presentation was: Many specializations in global higher education have recently adopted a rigorous policy towards implementing an Outcome Based Education (OBE) model for student learning. This global shift in the last two decades has resulted in dramatic changes to the educational processes within programs in institutions. The apparent target is to achieve comprehensive benefits of OBE learning models. The presentation highlighted the difference between the paradigms, principles and philosophy of authentic OBE and prevalent accreditation approaches in higher education. The speaker underlined the changes in accreditation approaches to align with OBE models and challenges faced by institutions in the fulfillment of both accreditation requirements and essential principles of ‘Real’ OBE. Prof. Jude William Genilo, Director of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell of University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, attended the session.