First Quality Assurance Committee Convened
Publish Date:
Thursday, April 13, 2017
The University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh convened for the first time the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) on April 13, 2017, 4.00pm at A601, Campus-A. The QAC is responsible for the institutional oversight of the IQAC. ULAB Vice Chancellor Professor Imran Rahman acts as the QAC chair. The meeting covered the following agenda: Quality Assurance at ULAB: Milestones; About QAC, IQAC and SAC (composition, functions and relational structure); UGC Accreditation Criteria, Standards and Point System; IQAC Achievements and Future Directions; and Possible Challenges and Proposed Solutions. Some decisions came out from the meeting, which will play a vital role in moving forward with the accreditation of ULAB's five program offering entities.