- Report to the Faculty, Administration, Trustees, Students
- Some Interesting Situations
- 9 Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning
- Closing The Loop Activities
- Sample Assessment of Student Achievement of Learning Goals
- Result of 2008 Assessment, Activity Inventory
- Reading The Self-Study and Applying the Standards
- The Neasc Evaluation Team
- Policy Statement of Conflict of Interest
- Sample Time table
- Policy Statement on Student Achievement and Success
- Policy on Credits and Degrees
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance Issues for Discussion
- Quality Assurance and Accreditation
- Internal review: Documents
- Structure of Self report
- Important Points to Consider
- 2011 NEASC Standards for Accreditation
- Examples Of How Institutions Write Candidly About The Findings Of The Self-Study
- Excerpt From Appraisal and Projection Sections of Chapter 2-Planning
- Excerpts From Chapter 4 (from a public university)
- Example From Appraisal Section of Chapter 11-Integrity
- General Issues Involved in Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- Internal Quality Assurance
- Mission and Purposes
- Admission and Awarding
- Resources
- Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning
- Rules for Self Assessment
- Structure of Selfreport
- Self Study in Context
- Outcome Based Engineering Education: A paradigm shift
- EQAF Standards