ULAB’s IQAC Featured in APQNews
ULAB’s Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was featured in APQNews Issue 26 (30 December 2022). Published by the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN), the news item highlighted ULAB IQAC’s receiving the APQN Best Model Internal Award. It quoted IQAC Director Prof. Jude William Genilo’s acceptance speech as follows:
“It is an honour to receive the APQN Best Internal Quality Assurance Award for 2022. We acknowledge the significance of this recognition given to organizations with extraordinary quality assurance contributions and good practices that have potential of replications in the Asia-Pacific region. ULAB will continue to strengthen it quality assurance endeavors as it expresses it deepest gratitude to APQN for its continuous support and encouragement.” received “APQN Best Model Internal Award 2022” in recognition for exceptional achievement in quality assurance.
Founded in 2003, the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) is a non-governmental and nonprofit network that has been striving for “Enhancing the Quality of Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region” and "Dissolving Boundaries for a Quality Region."