CETL-ULAB Conducts Seminar on Media Teaching in the Age of AI
Amidst the growing omnipresence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the realm of education, the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) organized a seminar entitled ‘Media Teaching in the Age of AI’ at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) on 27 July 2023. The seminar aimed to enlighten faculty members about the implications of AI in the field of media studies.
The seminar commenced with an opening speech by Vice-Chancellor Professor Imran Rahman, who shed light on AI’s present and future influence. Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof. Jude William Genilo emphasized equipping faculties with AI knowledge to meet the upcoming era’s challenges. The director of CETL, Dr. M. Shazzad Hossain, chaired the event.
The seminar’s resource person was Ashik Vaskor Manna, Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture at the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). During the event, faculty members shared their experiences and preparations for incorporating AI into media teaching.
The thought-provoking lecture explored the transformative impact of AI on creative professions, particularly in arts, media, and design. It delved into whether machines can contribute significantly to creative endeavors, including visual arts, architecture, and performative arts. Neural networks’ use in art and architecture was introduced, showcasing awe-inspiring examples of AI-generated design work worldwide.
The seminar served as a vital platform for educators to prepare for the age of AI and its transformative impact on media teaching, encouraging critical exploration and innovation in the face of evolving educational landscapes.
Mr. Ashik Vaskor Manna is discussing the impact of AI in creative professions